Aug 28Liked by Jemima Omo-Aibangbee

I really love this and it resonates so deeply with my own thoughts and hopes! Thank you! This is beautiful!

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Thank you so much for reading!🙂

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May 27Liked by Jemima Omo-Aibangbee

Thank you for this Jemima! If my partner and I ever decide to have kids, it will certainly be in my 30's. I'm 28 now and nowhere near stable enough to care for a child. This helps to read the experiences of older black mothers, even though it's been proven that women have kids later than before, I still feel like having kids in your 20's is the norm.

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You’re welcome Angele! Thank you for reading and sharing your thoughts. It’s certainly something I don’t recommend rushing into. That being said, nothing prepares you for kids 😅BUT you can be better prepared.❤️

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Pregnant with my 2nd baby at 34 and the midwife's office labeled me "advanced maternal age" -- I was so offended! I was not yet 35 and I would still be 34 when I delivered. Rude! When I get pregnant again, God-willing, I will be 36! Just might give me time for another baby before my goal: out of diapers by 40! We shall see :)

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Sheesh! I’m not a fan of these labels. I love that goal, out of diapers by 40.😆I hope you make it!❤️

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